Monday, August 01, 2005

I am Joe's Prostate…

Well, like I said before, it’s been a busy few days. I moved 3 days ago, and I’m still adjusting to the new place, organizing things etc, etc. Got the job at the Student Union, so I’m really glad about that; its means a secure job till I graduate.

We went back to Taliesin last weekend for Mike’s graduation; and for measuring some of the stuff we had left. I really enjoyed the time I had over there (it’s always a party in Spring Green, WI pop. 1,400), thought I was reminded of how much some people can frustrate me. Oh well, had a great time, and it seems we are finally going to finish this, and this grade should make my GPA climb even higher (I got all A’s in
, and an A in the film class; my GPA is up to 3.66).

Well today I finally got some semblance of order here in my new room; I assembled the desk and organized my books. I really like this new place, you see a tree out any window, and it’s close to Downer, that’s a really happening neighborhood. Only thing could be that some friends are living with me right now, and they’re having some problems (hence they’re living with me till they get a new place). It’s not bad at all since it’s good to have a home cook meal for a change, but sometimes I feel like the Narrator felt about Tyler and Marla in Fight Club

Another good friend recently came back into my life, feel really good about that.

Oh and one last thing…remember that larger black gentleman I posted about earlier? The one that was watching pornography in the campus 24 hour computer lab? Well turns out the guy is a hacker (hence he can log in without being a student of faculty) and also a sex offender that assaulted a girl leaving the computer lab. So if you are in or around the UW-Milwaukee area, beware…


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